A prospective volunteer in the Children’s Ministry can expect to be walked through a process similar to the one that follows by one of the Children’s Ministry staff.
Step One—Interest and Application. Sometimes we receive an application and then follow up to see where an individual is interested in serving. Other times we speak to a prospective volunteer about her interest and then have her fill out a Volunteer Application. Whatever the order, this step involves two separate but interchangeable parts. (Part 1) Have the individual complete the Volunteer Application Packet and return it for review. (Part 2) Discover or identify an individual’s preferences concerning where or how he would like to serve—day and time, age group, position or role, etc. Discovering preferences could entail completing a Spiritual Gift Analysis, a verbal interview, shadowing or a number of other interest seeking activities.
Step Two—References and Background Check. After reviewing the application and before any further plans are made with the individual, references are contacted while a background check is performed. References are asked questions relating to character, work ethic, responsibility, personality, spiritual maturity and/or whatever else seems appropriate to the position sought.
Step Three—Confirmation and Scheduling. Once the volunteer is cleared through the above steps, he will be contacted to confirm his place on the Children’s Ministry team. At this time he may also be asked applicable follow-up questions. He will then be scheduled for the appropriate class and time.
Step Four—Preparation and Training. Newly recruited volunteers will meet with the staff member in charge of the area in which she will be serving to be prepped for service in the Children’s Ministry. This meeting will likely take place in the classroom where service will be given on a day when classes are not in session. At this meeting specific details of the Children’s Ministry Handbook will be covered—statements and strategies of the Children’s Ministry, volunteer expectations and responsibilities, policy overview, etc. This is also a time for the new volunteer to ask questions about any of the materials presented.
Step Five—Introduction to Class. The staff member responsible for the area in which a particular volunteer will be serving will personally meet the volunteer on his first day so that he can be walked into the class and introduced to other volunteers, children and parents.
Volunteer Training
Volunteers in the Children’s Ministry should expect to participate in a number of training opportunities specific to his or her area of responsibility in the Children’s Ministry.
TEAM Training Breakfasts. Four or five times each year, volunteers from every area of ministry come together on a Saturday morning from 8:30-10:30am for breakfast and a word from Pastor Jerry followed by ministry specific breakout sessions. Childcare is provided.
Leaders Meetings. Periodically, meetings may be called for specific areas of ministry in order to address needs and opportunities related to that particular ministry effort.
Seminars. Perhaps once a year, volunteers will be asked to attend a seminar geared at developing certain aspects for leadership in Children’s Ministry.
7Appreciation and Relational Development. Once a year a Volunteer Appreciate Dinner is planned to which we invite all volunteers for an evening of thanks. From time to time other activities are planned in order to develop team cohesiveness.