Confident Kids

Ministry Leader: Sign in sheets Ministry: Confident Kids Ministry

First Serve Ministry Area: Administration

What do I do: Copy empty forms, leave in Diane Reynolds cubby box at office

Who do I serve: CK Assistant Director

Benefit highlights: Helping coaches be able to focus on Life-skills and behavior changes with the kids, and that Jesus is always there to help them
Commitment: 1 hr Date: Tuesdays Place: Church Office
Time: 11:00 am
Go to Person: Andrea Currie
503-474-3723 Phone number/email:


Ministry Leader: Diane K Reynolds Ministry: Confident Kids
First Serve Ministry Area: Administration
What do I do: Create an attendance sheet for the Encouragement Coach to be able to send encouragement cards out to

Who do I serve: Confident Kids Encouragement Coach

Benefit highlights: Helping coaches be able to focus on Life-skills and behavior changes with the kids, and that Jesus is always there to help them
Commitment:1 hr Date: Thursdays
Place: Church office
Time: 1:00 pm
Go to Person: Cheryl Blevins
Phone number/email:
Mission: Christ-followers are called to serve with a mission
Motto: Love all, Serve all

First Serve: 1. Everyone is called to serve
2. Give everyone an opportunity to serve!

Shared docs/iserve/first serve form